Specify the x limits for a graph

agg_xlim(min, max, panel = NULL)



The minimum for the x-axis (can be NA to have arphit guess, based on your data)


The maximum (can also be NA, as above)


(optional) Which panel to apply the scale to. If left blank, will be applied to all panels. This is recommended. You can specify a vector of panels (e.g. `panel = c("1","3")`) to apply the limits to multiple panels at once.

See also

vignette("plotting-options", package = "arphit") for a detailed description of all the plotting options


arphitgg(data) + agg_xlim(min = -10, max = 10)
#> dev.new(): using pdf(file="Rplots143.pdf")
arphitgg(data) + agg_xlim(min = -10, max = 10, panel = "1")
#> dev.new(): using pdf(file="Rplots144.pdf")