If specified as part of a layer, fields left blank will be inherited from the parent.

agg_aes(x, y, group = NULL, facet = NULL, order = NULL)



The x variable


The y variable


If your data are in long form, which variable defines the groups


If you data are in long form, which variable defines the facets (facets split data across panels)


Which variable to order the x-ticks by

Tidy evaluation

Aesthetics use tidy evaluation. This means any of can be expressions composed of variables in the data, rather than just variable names. For instance, you could do `order = desc(some_variable)`, or `y = my_variable^2`.

The plotting options vignette provides some examples of aesthetics using tidy evaluation.

See also

vignette("plotting-options", package = "arphit") for a detailed description of all the plotting options